Cauliflower-Crusted Cheese and Tomato Pizza (Gluten-Free, Low-Fat, High-Protein, No Sugar Added, Vegetarian)

Cauliflower-Crusted Cheese and Tomato Pizza
(Gluten-Free, Low-Fat, High-Protein, No Sugar Added, Vegetarian)

Emily's Notes
Is this real? This delicious pizza is gluten-free, vegetarian, has less than 1 gram of fat, has no added sugars, has 261% of your daily Vitamin C needs, and has a whopping 40 grams of protein! The best part? You can eat the entire 12-inch pizza for just 265 calories. Amazing! 

Nutrition Facts
Serving size: 1 whole 12-inch pizza
Servings per recipe: 1
Calories: 265
Total Fat: 0.8 g
Saturated Fat: 0.2 g
Total Carbohydrate: 24g
Fiber: 8
Sugars: 8.5g
Protein: 40g

Vitamin and Mineral Daily Values
Vitamin A: 14%
Vitamin B6: 27.5%
Vitamin C: 261%
Vitamin E: 6%
Calcium: 25%
Iron: 6.5%
Magnesium: 19%

1/2 head cauliflower
2 T fat-free feta cheese
1/4 c. 100% liquid egg whites
1/2 c. diced tomatoes
     Note: 1/4 c. will be pulsed
               1/4 c. will remain diced
1/4 c. fat-free shredded mozzarella cheese
     optional: herbs & spices

Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees.

Cut head of cauliflower in half. Put half away.

Chop cauliflower into small florets. Remove any long stems.

Place cauliflower florets into a food processor. Blend.

Place "cauliflower snow" onto a towel.
     Note: Reusable towels work best.

Wring out as much liquid as possible.
     Note: Do not skip this step. Neglecting this step leads to a soggy crust… Yuck!

Place dry cauliflower snow in a bowl.

Optional step: Add herbs and spices.

Add 1/2 c. 100% liquid egg whites. Mix using hands.

Add 1/2 c. fat-free feta cheese. Mix using hands.

Spread pizza dough on a lightly greased pizza pan.
     Note: Parchment paper is ideal, but a light coating of Pam will work.

Bake on 450 degrees for 15 minutes until golden brown.
     Note: Crust must be fully cooked before adding toppings. Adjust time if necessary.

Pulse 1/4 c. diced tomatoes in food processor for 1-2 seconds.

When crust is fully cooked, add pulsed tomatoes.

Add remaining 1/4 c. diced tomatoes.

Add 1/4 c. fat-free shredded mozzarella cheese.

Bake for additional 10-12 minutes. Adjust as necessary.