Banana Peanut Butter (PB2) Oatmeal (Low-Fat, Vegan, Vegetarian)

Banana Peanut Butter (PB2) Oatmeal
(Low-Fat, Vegan, Vegetarian)

Emily's Notes
Say goodbye to bland and boring oatmeal… this stuff tastes like candy! I've been having this for breakfast the past couple of weeks and am absolutely loving it. It's perfect for cold winter mornings. For breakfast, I'll pair this with an apple and some tea. It's delicious, nutritious, and leaves me full until lunch. I even find myself eating it for dessert… I simply can't resist!  

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1
Servings per recipe: 1
Calories: 210
Calories From Fat: 33
Total Fat: 3g
Saturated Fat: 0.25g
Total Carbohydrate: 35g
Fiber: 5.5g
Sugars: 11.5g
Protein: 5.75g

Vitamins and Mineral Daily Values
Vitamin A: 3.5%
Vitamin B6: 35%
Vitamin B12: 35%
Vitamin C: 7%
Vitamin D: 5%
Vitamin E: 12.5%
Calcium: 11.25%
Iron: 6%
Thiamin: 35%
Niacin: 35%
Pantothenic Acid: 35%
Zinc: 30%

1/4 c. rolled oats
2T PB2
1 tsp. Truvia
1/4 c. almond milk
1/2 c. water
1/4 c. sugar-free maple syrup
1 mini banana

          Possible Substitutions
          …instead of 2T PB2
               1T Peanut Butter
          …instead of 1 tsp. Truvia
               1/2 tsp. sugar
          …instead of 1/4 c. almond milk
               1/4 c. skim milk
          …instead of 1/4 c. sugar-free maple syrup
               3T pure maple syrup
               3T honey
          …instead of 1 mini banana
               1/2 banana

Add 1/4 c. rolled oats to a bowl

Add 2 T PB2

Add 1 tsp. Truvia

Pour 1/4 c. almond milk into mixture

Add 1/2 c. water

Stir the mixture thoroughly. Work out any clumps of Peanut Butter that may be forming.

Microwave for 2 minutes

In the meantime, slice your mini banana into half-slices

When 2 minutes is up, remove mixture and stir

Microwave for an additional 2 minutes

Add 1/4 c. sugar-free maple syrup

Add mini banana

Stir and Enjoy!